Current Availability

I am, for the foreseeable future, re-located to Mississauga.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Anger Management Course

Anger Management 101

A psychological -educational approach to anger management
  • ·         Offered in a group counselling format.
  • ·         Each weekly session is two hours.
  • ·         Twelve weeks.
  • ·         Wednesday evenings, 7:00 – 9:00.

Topics covered include:
  • ·         What is anger – how to make it useful – how to avoid toxic anger?
  • ·         Developing self control over your thoughts and actions.
  • ·         Alternatives to passive and aggressive anger.
  • ·         Communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • ·         How to get along better with yourself and others.
Why you should attend:
  • ·         Your inability to manage your anger has created conflict in your significant relationships, employment, your community, your success in life.
  • ·         You seek skills to better cope with other people’s anger.
  • ·         You are tired of being angry and bitter and fighting with the world.
  • ·         You seek life-skills to promote success in your relationships and employment.
Presented by;
  • ·         $20 for the workbook.
  • ·         $15 per session X 12 weeks = $180.

  • New Life Church, 28 Tracey Lane, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 3Z4.
            (Located off highway 124 just south of Collingwood – across from the bowling alley.)

 Introductory session:

  • Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM.
Further information: