Current Availability

I am, for the foreseeable future, re-located to Mississauga.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Anger Management Course

Anger Management 101

A psychological -educational approach to anger management
  • ·         Offered in a group counselling format.
  • ·         Each weekly session is two hours.
  • ·         Twelve weeks.
  • ·         Wednesday evenings, 7:00 – 9:00.

Topics covered include:
  • ·         What is anger – how to make it useful – how to avoid toxic anger?
  • ·         Developing self control over your thoughts and actions.
  • ·         Alternatives to passive and aggressive anger.
  • ·         Communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • ·         How to get along better with yourself and others.
Why you should attend:
  • ·         Your inability to manage your anger has created conflict in your significant relationships, employment, your community, your success in life.
  • ·         You seek skills to better cope with other people’s anger.
  • ·         You are tired of being angry and bitter and fighting with the world.
  • ·         You seek life-skills to promote success in your relationships and employment.
Presented by;
  • ·         $20 for the workbook.
  • ·         $15 per session X 12 weeks = $180.

  • New Life Church, 28 Tracey Lane, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 3Z4.
            (Located off highway 124 just south of Collingwood – across from the bowling alley.)

 Introductory session:

  • Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM.
Further information:

1 comment:

  1. hundreds of drug and alcohol rehabs have found ways to attract attention to themselves as to why they are the best in what they do. There are, however, six 'facts' that a good drug and alcohol rehab will not tell you.[] see more atanger management courses


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